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Apply pseudoclassical inheritance


You want to use pseudoclassical inheritance, i.e., create a “class” as “subclass” of another “class”.


  • 2 or more functions
  • the prototype property
  • the call() method


  1. Define a function intended to be a constructor function (this will be the “superclass”).

    function Animal(color) {
      this._color = color;
  1. Define some properties and/or methods on the prototype of that function. Those are the members of the “class”.

    function Animal(color) {
      this._color = color;
    Animal.prototype.getColor = function() {
      return this._color;
    Animal.prototype.makeSound = function() {
      console.log('Generic animal cannot make any sound.');
  2. Define another function intended to be a constructor function based on the previously defined function (this will be the “subclass”).

    function Dog(name, color) {
      this._name = name;
  3. Set the prototype property of that function.

    function Dog(name, color) {
      this._name = name;
    Dog.prototype = new Animal();
  4. Call the super constructor function using the call() method, passing this and the parameters expected by the super constructor.

    function Dog(name, color) {, color);
      this._name = name;
    Dog.prototype = new Animal();
  5. Define some properties and/or methods on the prototype of that function.

    function Dog(name, color) {, color);
      this._name = name;
    Dog.prototype = new Animal();
    Dog.prototype.getName = function() {
      return this._name;
  6. Optional: overwrite methods by defining them on the prototype of the “subclass”.

    function Dog(name, color) {, color);
      this._name = name;
    Dog.prototype = new Animal();
    Dog.prototype.getName = function() {
      return this._name;
    Dog.prototype.makeSound = function() {
      console.log('Wuff wuff');
  7. Voilá, there you got a perfect pseudoclassical inheritance.

    function Animal(color) {

      this._color = color;

Animal.prototype.getColor = function() {

      return this._color;

    Animal.prototype.makeSound = function() {

      console.log('Generic animal cannot make any sound');
    function Dog(name, color) {, color);
      this._name = name;
    Dog.prototype = new Animal();
    Dog.prototype.getName = function() {
      return this._name;
    Dog.prototype.makeSound = function() {
      console.log('Wuff wuff');
    var dog = new Dog('Bello', 'brown');
    console.log(dog.getName());            // "Bello"
    console.log(dog.getColor());           // "brown"
    console.log(dog instanceof Dog);       // true
    console.log(dog instanceof Animal);    // true
    dog.makeSound();                       // "Wuff wuff"
    var animal = new Animal('yellow');
    console.log(animal.getColor());        // "yellow"
    console.log(animal instanceof Animal); // true
    console.log(animal instanceof Dog);    // false
    animal.makeSound();                    // "Generic animal cannot make any sound."

Alternative recipes

  • Use prototypical inheritance, which is more natural to the language JavaScript.
  • Since ES2015: use class syntax, which is syntactic sugar for pseudoclassical inheritance.

    class Animal {
    class Dog extends Animal {